Monday, September 24, 2007

30 Minutes Xtrain on elliptical.

September 23rd
Queens Half Marathon
I did not set my alarm right, so I woke up at 5:20am instead of 5:00am. What did this mean? I did not have a chance to sit and poop at home or eat. AVM drove me to Dunkin Donuts to get a bagel, this took too long because there are crazy people who walk up to drive through windows. I got to the Starting area around 6:20, I still had to register/pay. I had my bags checked and I was ready to go by 6:30 so I went got in line for the bathroom, but they did not have enough and the line was long. The race started and I was till in line. The NYRR people were threatening to shut the start down. "One Minute." I got a chance to pee, then I ran to the start line. I felt strong through out the race, I concentrated on my stride and breathing. I hit mile 6 and felt a need to poop, but decided to see if I could focus that feeling away. Mile 8 came and I had to stop. I got in line for the bathroom, 10 minutes later I finally took a huge shit. I cooled down a lot in this 10 minutes, I was getting cold as my body heat cooled, and it felt like it took a couple miles to get back in the groove.

Unofficially (pausing my Nike+ for the shit break) - 2 Hours 3 Minutes 12 seconds.
Pace 9:24 a minute

Official Road Runners time (including shit time): 2:13:04 - 10:09 pace.

September 22nd
I woke up late. It was raining and I was running a 1/2 marathon the next day, so I decided to Cross Train, but the batteries on my elliptical were dead. So I just watched TV, went to a movie, ate yummy pasta, had ice cream, went to bed.

September 21st
I got home from work around 9pm and made myself workout. Xtraining for 45 minutes. Then I drove into the city at 12:30am for a party, drank 2 glasses of Ginger Ale, got home around 5:30am.

September 20th
I'm a lazy fuck.

September 19th
3-4 Miles

September 18th
7-8 Miles

September 17th
I arrived home to Queens late Sunday night, so I slept in a bit too long on. So I had a lazy day of nothing.

September 16th
I was running around a lot to get stuff done for my mom. I took a rest day so my IT could relax.

September 15th
My mom was feeling much better, and felt safe if I left for a couple of hours to go for my long run. I ran on a trail that used to be the home to railroad tracks, then to the mall. The trail is about 3 miles long, and had lots of rocks, which I a believe caused my IT band to start to hurt. I was also wearing my fuel belt to stay hydrated with water and gatorade. My diet the past few days was also not my usual diet, I was enjoying too many WaWa shortie hoagies.

Long story short I had to take a shit in on the Trail during my run.


Not a fun run, but I ran. Nike + messed up with I paused too long to take a dump.

September 14th
I went to get my mom at the Hospital around 10:30, she was getting instructions from a physical therapist, she asked me to watch so I could help her the next few days. The day was pretty exhausting, I feared falling asleep at home in case my mom needed me. I used today as a rest day.

September 13th
I drove home to PA, pulling into the driveway around 3:30 AM. My mom was having surgery on her shoulder, so I came home to help her for a few days while she recovered. She was supposed to come home today, but the Surgeon had to cut her open instead of repairing things via three tiny holes. I didn't know when I would get the call to pick her up, or that she was staying. I finally got ahold of my mom and she asked me to come visit her at the hospital, but not until after rush hour. My mom hates driving during rush hour and will plan things around it, and she does her best to keep me from driving during these times.

So I went for my run.

September 12


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