Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I started running again on August 18th - since then I have done 11 runs.
So 11 out of 17 days. Not too bad.

I am up to 5 miles. Sounds weird, but I am going to do my best not to do more than 5 miles until October. I have a bad habit of pushing myself physically, instead of treating myself right. So 3-5 miles a day is what I'm looking to do so I can get strong before I decide to train for something (like a 10K or Half).

August 18th - Pace 10:59
September 3rd - Pace 10:20

This is according to my Nike +, I am a bit faster than the above, the calibration is off. Ego ego ego....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When you wash a car, it tends to rain that same day.

When I sign up for a race, something always pops up on that race day.

I signed up for the Nike + Human Race. It is a 10k, and for a $35 dollar registration fee I think it is supposed to basically stop all wars and make the earth completely peaceful. I now have a last minute family obligation that has popped up, so I can't do the race. It takes place on Randall's Island, followed by a concert from the All aMerican Rejects, or some shit like that.

Sorry World.

Sorry Rejects.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 10th
I'm in Lake Oswego, Oregon with Tour Co. I went for a 6-7 mile run and was caught in a rain storm, a very cold one. My spandex shorts also decided to rip, so my fat thighs were rubbing together and now I have blisters. I am disgusting.

October 9th
I had not slept yet, up for almost 24 hours. I did a 5am xtraining workout after I was finished packing for a trip. 30 minutes on the elliptical.

October 8th

I had a long day ahead of me, and I was sore from the Saturday run, so I did shorter run.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

I was a bit sore today - So I rested.
I am resting a lot, I know - but I am hitting my key runs.
I just want to finish the marathon - I'll work on a goal time next year.

October 6th
Long Run 15-16 Miles.

This was closer to 15.5 - and yes I slowed down. I was stopping to stretch my IT Band more than I would have liked - but I finished without real pain - I just felt it getting tight.

October 4th & 5th
Tired with a case of insomnia.
Going to bed at 3am because I can't sleep, causes me to not run.

October 3rd

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I woke up at 6am for this!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Xtraining - 55 Minutes on the elliptical.

I am teaching an 11am class Mon/Tues/Thurs & Friday - which means I have to wake up much earlier for training. Boo hoo, I have to be at work by 10:45 am. Tomorrow I have to wake up by 6am so I can get an 8 mile run in. Start placing your bets now.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 30th
Another 'supposed' to early morning. This time my alarm was set wrong. I woke up at 6:30 am, 30 minutes away from the start time of a run in Central Park. So back to bed I went. This day was not lost though, I went out for my long run.

The way my nike+ has been calculating - this run was most likely 14 miles.

September 29th
I was supposed to wake up and do the 5th Avenue Mile run, but again - I felt like shit. This lasted most of the day. I slept until about noon, went back to bed around 5, woke up at 9, back in bed at 11pm.

September 28th
Felt better, decided to get a run in.

September 27th
I did not sleep well, or wake up feeling great. I opted out of running and decided to Xtrain when I got home if I felt better.
60 Mins on the elliptical

September 26th
I went out for a run, but started feeling really sick, nauseous and overheating. So I stopped after 1.5 miles.

September 25th
7-8 miles