Sunday, October 22, 2006

I did it.

I completed a Marathon - It had some REALLY sucky moments - the most sucky being that my IT band started getting shooting pains at mile 21 - when I was on pace for my goal time (4:10) - I wound up finishing in 4:30 - and I am happy with it. I am in pain right now - but feel like a mother fucking champion. Really amazing experience - I will blog more a more detailed entry later.
Right now I am gonna go get black out drunk - well not really - but close to fucked up. Wow - i sound like I have a problem!
Don't worry I'll be safe - I have more marathons to run! WHAT?? YES!

Friday, October 20, 2006

It is almost time.
I have almost cried at least a dozen times from the emotion of this. Seriously - this is pretty emotional - a huge thing in my life! I didn't think it would be, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to break down and cry when I cross that finish line.


I did a 30 minute run yesterday (thursday) and Today I arrived in San Fran - ate some pasta - picked up my race packet - and learned that the Marathon will have 15,000 runners. For some reason I only thought it was 5,000. I can't wait to hear how much money we all raised collectively.

There is a really awesome wall at Nike Town that has all of the participants names on it - I'll post photos later!

Keep good thoughts!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Nothing! Just eating PASTA!

October 17
40 Minute Run.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

3 miles
Pace: 9:20

One week from RIGHT NOW I will be in the middle of running a marathon.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

6 Miles
Pace: 9:06
Felt good.
My leg feels normal again.
8 Days away.

October 13th
Rest Day - spent about 9 hours in a car driving to Boston & Back for a Show.
Fun Times

Thursday, October 12, 2006

4.3 Miles
pace: 8:47

We were supposed to run at our Marathon Pace - I don't really know what my pace will be - I run different in a race than in training. Whatevers! I think I did fine. Although I did not eat breakfast, because the only things I had to choose from were a stick of butter and frozen meals.

My leg is achey though. Just feels like I've been walking on it all day long. I want it to go away.
Go way leg! wait no!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

55 Minutes on the Elliptical -
Watched Heroes & Studio 60

Monday, October 09, 2006

October 8

3.5 Miles
Pace: 9:01

Less than 2 weeks.....

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Have you ever gone on an 11 mile run, and at the end said "That was easy."
I did. Today! This is why tapering is fun. Now that I have gone on several runs in the mid to upper teens, and one 20 mile run, these 'shorter' runs are easy. I had no problem getting up this morning. For 2 reasons. I thought about the workout when I opened my eyes - "Just 10-12 miles? I'll be home before 11am." And then I remembered this is the last Saturday Group Workout. No more 5:30-6am wake ups.The last of the long runs! I am getting my Saturdays back!
So yeah, I had a great run today. I felt strong, and finished stronger. My leg was a little tight in the beggining, but was super lose and ready to rock San Fran by the end. It was a bit chilly out, but I just wore two layers, one being my new Addidas Coolmax long sleeve running top. Stylin!

11.2 miles
1 Hour 45 Minutes 33 Seconds
Pace: 9:25

This blog is not funny. Sorry.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Day of Rest.

Around 7pm yesterday I noticed my leg felt fine again.
Then I did a show at 11pm. And I think the scene where I shit in a toaster over may have aggravated it. Or maybe the scene where my son punched my vagina....
Either way, top of my intelligence comedy has caused a relapse.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

My leg is still full of bother.
I did not xtrain last night - I just iced and watched Lost.
Todays scheduled run was 6 miles at marathon pace.
I had full intention of doing it all, but my leg was just not letting me.
I did 3 miles at a slower than marathon pace - I am glad I got out there though, I am feeling frustrated this week.
I just don't want to lose the momentum. Our coach said about 2 weeks ago, that we would not be getting any stronger, so not to push beyond the scheduled workouts - it would do more harm than help. I just hope I don't become weeker.
Post workout I iced and stretched.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sidelined -

Monday I woke up and my left leg was sore/stiff from the 20 mile run. So I took a 2nd day of rest.
Tuesday I woke up and my leg was still sore/stiff - but decided in the afternoon to try and go fo a light run, see if that would warm-up the muscle. Didn't work, I turned around 3/4 of a mile. With less than 3 weeks till the marathon, the last thing I want is a nagging injury, so I'm icing and stretching. If it feels better t-nite - I'll attempt some xtraining (while watching Lost).

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today I get a scheduled day off. When you run 20 miles, you do not wake up easily.
I fell asleep last night around 8 pm. I thought I'd take a 3 hour nap and get up for SNL.
I woke up at 8am this morning. Stiff. Goonky Eyes. Hungry.
But I have not had breakfast yet. Why? Because I noticed the pot I use to boil water in is dirty, and I do not have the energy to wash it right now. I am just too stiff!
3 weeks from today I'll be in San Fran, pounding the pavement.
I'm psyched. I'm proud.

September 30
Trip to the Trails!
I woke up at 5am. Team In Training was going on a road trip. Driving to New Jersey to run along the Rariton Canal. I had to be at 77th street at 6:50am. I grabbed the people I Was driving and off we went.
The run was 95 percent great. I felt great the first 10 miles. I was near the front of the pack. The Head Coach, and a few advanced folks had passed me, so when we hit 10 miles and turned around, I passed a lot of people on my way back. I liked almost having the trail to myself in the beginning, everything was quiet except for the sound of my feet and the geese being a gaggle in the river. Eventually the trail was mine again when I passed the back of the pack. with about 4 miles to go, a few of the advanced folks passed me. I didn't feel like I slowed down, but these guys were passing with strength. Another girl passed me, not as fast, so I said "I'm going to try to keep up with your pace" she asked If i was an Advanced runner, I told her I was not I was part of the intermediate group. That is when she revealed the Advance runners were supposed to run faster than their marathon pace the last 6 miles. I told her I'd just admire her as she past me. So I wasn't slowing down!
The last couple of miles were the worst. The worst part of running on a trail that you are not familiar with is that you have no idea where you are. There are certain landmarks, but not enough. The last 1-2 miles sucked balls, I thought I kept seeing the bridge that we crossed in the beginning. Finally - I saw the bridge. Yippee!!!
I reached the starting point of the parking lot. When you run for 20 miles, it is pretty hilarious that immediatly after you stop, you can barely walk.

20 Miles
3 Hours 4 minutes 5 Seconds
Pace: 9:12

I had been running a pace of 9:30 for my long runs. This pace made me smile. But more importantly how I felt for most of the race made me smile. I hope I can feel that strong on Oct. 22nd. I am pretty sure I will though. Because as of today - I am tapering. The next three weeks will be used to help my body heal. I still have to run. But the long runs are gonna feel like cake. NExt Saturday I'll run 6-12 miles. Oh i like those numbers!

September 29th
This is my official Day of rest - so I just took it.
We flew home from Florida -I was home for a total of 20 minutes, I had to go to work to catch up. I got to work at 5pm - left at 9:30 to do a show - got home at 12:30. Saturday is going to be a hard day....

September 28th
Got about 4-5 hours of sleep. Packed my runnin gear for my Florida Tour Co trip. But with talk of Aligators and a super lack of sleep, a run did not happen. Instead I sat in the rental car for about an hour stealing a wi-fi signal so I could do some work - then took a 3 hour nap - as did the rest of Tour Co - we be tired!
Woke up - went to University of Florida, and did a kick ass show, followed by a mound of nachos, cheesefries and wings at a bar. so another day of rest!

September 27th

Long day. Work & Teaching. I brought my running gear with me to get out for a run at work, but that did not happen. I am going to be out of the office for 2 days, so i was getting caught up. I put a thought in my brain that I would XTRAIN when I got home. I didn't get home till after midnight, and had to get up and be at the airport at 6:50am. So a day of rest it is!