Monday, July 31, 2006

45 Minutes on the elliptical - with breaks every 15 minutes to do Ab work.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Today I am going to rest - schedule says to run - but I've had a busy weekend - Let's just say I got home at 7am this morning.

July 28
Group Run -Central Park
14.2 Miles - Holy Crap!
2 Hours 17 Minutes 52 Seconds
Pace - 9:42
On only 4 hours of sleep.

It was really hot and humid yesterday -So hot and humid that when I 'dried' off a bit - i just had a layer of Salt on my arms. I rubbed it off and had a pile of white salt on my shorts.
The hardest part about this run, and what I think slowed me down was stopping for water - I had a bottle that I carried for the first 6 miles - but then I drank it all - so i would stop at the fountains in the park for water - (i'd stop my watch). And when I re-started, my knees were just telling me to F-off - then I'd get them back into a zone - and it would be time to stop again. I also tried Eating while running for the first time - I ate a rasberry flavored gel pack after an hour of running - it was not that bad tasting - it just is really thick and was hot from being in my shorts.

July 27
Rest Day

Thursday, July 27, 2006

5.1 miles @ Cunningham Park
pace -8:45

This run made me STINKY.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

40 minutes on the Elliptical.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I can't make the Group Run t-nite - so I did the Hill workout on my own this morning.
I went back to "Bitch Hill" - last time I ran up that c-bag 8 times, today I did it 10 times.
TIRED! Running up hills is freaking hard!
I did a mile plus warm-up run - ran the hills, then did a 5 minute cool down run.
Stretch & eat!

Monday, July 24, 2006

3 miles
pace 9:30

I do not feel good today. When I hit the 1.5 mile mark - all of a sudden my back started hurting and I wanted to throw up. So I stopped, hydrated for a minute, stretched a bit and then started up again. I then started cramping and so i stopped again, stretched and then finished up as best I could. I got 3 miles in - which was on the schedule (3-5) and I have been told that there will be days that you just feel like shit when you are running, and days where you will feel like a well oiled machine.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

This week is a 'recover' week. So we are running less to give our bodies a chance to heal, re-energize.
So today is a rest day. We could run 3-6 miles or rest. I chose to rest, I've been pushing pretty hard lately.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

I participated in the 4 mile "Run for Central Park"
Weather: 73 Deg., 94% Hum. and Cloudy.
Time: 32:24
Pace - 8:06

Yeah! If you read below my goal was to have 8:38 or better, and I'd say I did!
Humidity is the worst thing to run in - I was DRIPPING, but I felt great when I crossed that finish line.
Racing is FUN!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

3.1 miles
pace: 8:38

tomorrow I am participating in a 4 mile race. I hope to maintain a pace of 8:38 or better.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Short on time today -30 Minutes on my elliptical machine.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Day off.
I am taking today off, and will do a run or xtrain on friday (my normal day off).
Too much going on today to get a work out in.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Group Run - Central Park
Freakin Hot!
7.1 miles
Pace 9:35
we were told to keep the pace 'conversational' - I wanted to run faster - but the weather was ridiculous, so I played it safe.
We ran the northern loop of the park - 4 times, plus a warmup/cooldown stretch. My head was soaked with sweat by the end of it. I wish I was rich and had a pool.

Monday, July 17, 2006

15 minutes elliptical, Ab work, 15 min Elliptical, Ab work, 15 Min Elliptical, Quad work.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

4.65 miles (I know so specific! Seconds count!)
pace: 9:09
I'm stiff from yesterdays long run, my quads are the stiffest.
I ate my cliff bar at 5:30am - but did not run till 8am - so I need to eat later - or not be so slow in getting up!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Long Run - Alone

I couldn't make it to the Group Run today - it just did not fit in the schedule.
So I ran on my own. I thought it was 12 miles, but I just re-mapped it and it was 11.7 - so close!
Time - 1:53:57
Pace 9:44

slightly off pace - but i did almost shit my pants! Furthest I've run so far! I felt pretty good during it, I was starving around mile 9 - I have to buy some goo to see how my body likes it.

I REMAPPED AGAIN - 11.7 did not feel right and the gmap site was acting funny when i was mapping earlier - so I just re-mapped, and re-mapped to double check.

12 MILES!! YES! The above pace felt off - because I actually felt really good for all but the last mile of this run (where i wanted to shit my pants!)
So NEW PACE 9:29
that is HOT!

Friday, July 14, 2006

YES! I am back on the streets!
It has only been two days, but it was seriously upsetting.
4.5 miles
Pace 8:53
I woke up at 5:30am to eat a Cliff Bar, then I fell back asleep, but i fell asleep with a half eaten Cliff bar on my arm, the heat of my body gave it permission to stick to me a bit. I don't remember what time I finished, I was sleepy!
I got up at 7:30 - walked Satch, then went for my run.
It felt good.
Tomorrow I am doing my first solo long run, as I can't make it to the group run.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I was held up in the City last night.
First I couldn't leave work because of a horrible thunderstorm. I had Satch with me (dog) and he is very afraid of storms, so there was no way I could take him into the pouring rain and lightning.
Then when the storm finally let up, we walked to the car (husbands company car) - it wasn't there - it had been towed.
Then the tow yard informed me I couldn't get the car until an unpaid parking ticket was paid, which had to be paid during the hours of 9 & 5, it was 1 AM at the time I discovered the tow. My husband is in Vegas, so when I called him about the ticket, he didn't know anything about it - I looked it up on the internet (luckily I could go back to work to check) it was a ticket "associated" with the car - so somewhere another employee that works at my husbands company got a ticket on their car, didn't pay it - and it got "associated" with my husbands car somehow.
Thankfully I had a friend at work still - who lived in Queens, and he gave Satch and I a ride home.
So I got home well after 2AM.
If Stress counts as a workout - than I am fucking kicking ass Today.
If it doesn't - Another day off from trainings. Boo.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm making today my rest day this week.
I had to choose over Xtraining or Sleep - I had to choose sleep - or I'd be a zombie today.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tonight is a Group Run - but I can't make it - so I did my workout this morning.
Mother Fuckin HILLS!
I ran a warm-up mile (or so) then I found what I will call "Bitch Hill"
She is long and she is steep. I ran up 8 times (recovered going downhill)
then finished off with a cool down mile.
Not sure of total distance - doesn't matter - it was all about the hills.
It was a 40 minute workout, I was done by 8am.
what has happened to me? why am I acting like an adult?

Monday, July 10, 2006

Xtraining Day
I did 45 Minutes of Elliptical Work. I decided to keep working on the abs/quads so I did 15 minutes on the Eliptical, then Ab work, 15 Mines & Ab Work, ending with 15 minutes and Quad/hip work.
All at 7:30 am - I'm working all day every day this week, so I have to be an early riser to get it all in.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

4.2 Miles
pace: 8:47

I woke up mother f-en sore! The "XFactor" kicked my abs and quads. I need to do more of this stuff to be in complete shape.
But the question is - Will I do it?
The run still felt good. As I post this pace, I remember back to June, when I was running 9:30ish pace - I like that I am running faster, hard work is paying off.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Group Run Central Park
The training schedule said that today was 9-11 miles - so I was excited - I like running further and further. But instead we did the "XFACTOR" - an intense cross training workout. So I was bummed, but I still got a good beating. We met at Bethesda Fountain. From there I ran 5 minutes north east (Cat Hill) 5 Minutes back, 10 minutes of cross training (ab work, lunges etc), 5 minutes south east and back, 10 minutes xtrain, 5 minutes north west and back, 10 minutes xtrain, 5 minutes south west and back, 10 minutes of xtrain/stretching.
I think I have to return my asics - they rubbed my tendon today - mother fuckers.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Day Off
Must wash running gear - it stanky!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

6.1 Miles
Pace: 8:55
A nice day to run, light breeze blowing.
I ran from my apartment building to Cunningham Park (about 2.5 miles) then I ran the Park loop and back. My return trip was slighlty longer in distance as I chose a different route at th end of the run to mix it up. I felt good today, I had my standard two mini bagels as a pre-run meal. I'm going to try a Cliff bar for Saturday's run to see how my energy is on one of those.
Knee feels strong, I'm going to Ice just to be safe.
I type like a robot.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

There is a group run tonight -I can't make it because of work. T-nite Hill Training begins, this is where we will get stronger and faster. I had to adapt the scheduled session to my neighborhood. I ran a 1.75 mile warm-up that ended at a steep hill. I then ran up it using a low-stride method (to preserve energy) 11 times - recovered on my way down the hill. I don't feel like I got the workout I would have gotten at t-nites run, I need to find a longer hill. I then ran a cool down mile.
So I don't really have a pace to report - but i ran for 43 minutes.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

4 miles
Pace 9:04
I was supposed to run 3-5 miles - i chose 4, my knee did not feel 100 percent, and I am fearing injury that would put all this training into the toilet, I also did not have a chance to eat before I ran - so the energy was a little low.

Monday, July 03, 2006

XTraining day
45 minutes on the Elliptical

My tendon feels 100% - my knee is about 90%. I'll ice and stretch a little more tonight - then hopefully get a 5 mile run in tomorrow - I'm itching to put my running shoes on.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

My knee felt wonky again this morning. I grabbed my running gear, but as I went to put it on, my knee told me to take it easy. Luckily the schedule has July 4th as an "Off" day - so I am going to switch them - Take today off, and on Tuesday I'll hopefully run the 3-5 miles scheduled for today.
I'm going to Ice again before bed.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Group Run in Central Park
10.2 miles
Pace: 9:31

For the first 5 miles we ran in Pace Groups. I was with the 9:30 group. We actually ran it a bit slow I think - around 9:45. The final 5 miles I was on my own, I picked the pace up a bit, the tendon on top of my ankle had been acting up a bit in the first 5 miles, and in the last half it started again. It would get really sore, i had a couple sharp pains, and then it felt fine. It has been sore on and off today post run. I'm going to ice both knees and my ankle before bed.