Friday, March 30, 2007

I did it!
5.1 miles
pace: 10:26

Usually I would be upset because I am running slower than I have in the past. I should be at 9:30. But I know it will take a little bit of time to build back to that. I am just excited that I am running again, and no pain. I may try to run until I feel pain, but I don't know if I have the strength yet.

I got my issued of Runners Worls in the mail today, perfect timing!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

I ran counter clockwise with my New Balance Sneakers.

4.25 Miles!!!!! And I did not stop because of pain, I stopped because I have to get to work at a reasonable time today, and I was a bit on the exhausted side.
43 Minutes 16 seconds
Pace: 10:10

I hate this pace, it is so slow compared to what I am capable of. I know I will get faster, I just have to get back my strength and drop the extra weight I put on.

I have PT this afternoon, I can't wait to tell my therapist!

Wednesday March 28th.
Woke up feeling blah. I had pulled my back a little bit last night, and was sore from that, and I just felt run down. I took the day off from work and slept most of the day away. As predicted, my right leg is sore.

Tuesday March 27th
45 Minutes on the Elliptical this morning.

Physical Therapy at 4pm.
I did Mountain Climb today at PT. Basically I have to use my right leg to step on a very high step, I usually wake up with a very sore right leg from this. My Physical Therapist told me to try running the opposite direction that I normally do. I always run loops in my neighborhood, but I always do them clockwise. He also told me to wear the shoes I ran in when I made it over 3 miles.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Morning Run -
2.48 miles (stopped from pain)
pace 9:57

I was xtraining on the elliptical until about 1 am. Then I woke up at 8:30 to run. So I had a feeling I would have to stop earlier.

I am out running though, that is good.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lets start again.
Somewhere I have a notebook of my weekly weigh ins from a year ago. I know that if I got on the scale today, and compared the numbers, there would be a difference, but not one that makes me happy. So I am starting again, I am getting back on the road.

I want to commit to a Fall Marathon, but I am not sure if My IT Band will allow me. So I am going to take it one step at a time.
Step one - stop being sad for myself. Step two - run.

I am bringing re-brith to my running log.

Saturday March 24th -
3.38 Miles
31 Minutes

I stopped at 3.38 because of IT Band Pain.

Sunday March 25th
50 Minutes